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Blog de Luis José de Ávila

Estamos iniciando el siglo de la comunicación con tecnologías hasta ahora insospechadas y de las que no sabemos a donde nos van a llevar. Pero a la comunicación hay que darle contenido, o sea, echar carbón al horno para que el motor funcione, y así el papel del periodista con este valioso instrumento que es internet rompe fronteras y gana en independencia como jamás ha tenido.

Compromiso Asturias XXI

Compromiso Asturias XXI es una iniciativa de la sociedad civil, independiente, sin ánimo de lucro y al margen de la actividad política, que busca el interés y el progreso de Asturias y hacer de ella un lugar cada vez mejor para vivir.

Condensed Matter Physics Group

We found a new class of materials which is now referred to as 2D atomic crystals. Such crystals can be seen as individual atomic planes “pulled out” of bulk, 3D crystals.

Erik S. Reinert

Erik S. Reinert is professor of Technology Governance and Development Strategies at Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, and Senior Research Fellow at NORISS, Norwegian Institute of Strategic Studies, in Oslo. He is Founder and Chairman of the Other Canon Foundation.

Feria de la Minería y la Industria de Mieres

La Feria de Mieres se crea en el año 1981 como una actividad más dentro del programa de las Fiestas patronales del mes de Junio, promovida por industriales y entidades locales.

Institut of Nanotechnology

The Institute of Nanotechnology (IoN) was founded by Ottilia Saxl in January 1997. It is a registered Charity, whose core activities are focused on education and training in nanotechnology. It grew out of the Centre for Nanotechnology, part funded by the DTI through the UK's National Initiative on Nanotechnology (NION). The Institute was one of the world's first nanotechnology information providers and is now a global leader.

Instituto Nacional del Carbón

El Instituto Nacional del Carbón (INCAR) fue fundado en 1947. Su actividad científica está orientada a un uso más limpio y eficaz del carbón y sus derivados, incluyendo nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos.

The Strongest Nanostructure - The Ultimate Lubricant Additive

NanoMaterials Ltd. is a privately owned company established in 2002. The Company was granted an exclusive license by Yeda Research and Development Co. Ltd., the commercial branch of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, to manufacture, commercialize and sell unique nanotechnology products based on a new class of inorganic nanostructures.

Welcome to the global nanomanufacturing engine

We ThinkSmall™ to deliver big product innovations. Our award winning innovations in critical application sectors are making a difference to improve quality of life. NanoMech was founded in 2002 and today the company has given to the world breakthrough nano innovations in machining and manufacturing, lubrication and energy, packaging for fresh produce supply chain, biomedical implant coatings and strategic military applications.